About Hypnoanalysis, Analytical Hypnotherapy in Tunbridge Wells

Often referred  to as "The cream of therapies", Hypnoanalysis is a very specialised form of holistic therapy that aims to treat the person rather than a mere set of symptoms. 

Where as traditional hypnotherapy is based on suggestion, hypnoanalysis combines hypnosis with analytical techniques such as free association, to provide a course of deep therapy that can not only bring about profound change in a short period of time, producing lasting benefits, but also continues it's process of beneficial change into the future beyond the period in therapy*.

Since it's introduction in the late 1970s by psychotherapist Neil French, this unique therapy has changed the lives of countless numbers of people around the world (including my own), relieving symptoms of all sorts, both physical and mental. 

How does it work?

Working on the principle of cause and effect, hypnoanalysis is carried out under a light state of hypnosis by the random recall of memories from your early, formulative years - some you will know, some you will have forgotten. One or two will be of particular significance and when these are released, along with the associated emotions, the effect they were having on you ceases - usually for good - and an insight into yourself is gained that no other therapy can provide.

What can it do?

Hypnoanalysis is a general course of therapy that has benefited many people with a wide range of problems from emotional and behavioral issues, to skin conditions or sexual dysfunction. It is particularly suited to cases of "Medically unexplained symptoms" - symptoms for which doctors and tests can find no apparent cause (Your doctor should always be consulted in the first instance). 

Alternatively, you may be looking for a therapy to sort out some aspect of your life or a rather more vague "something inside yourself but outside of your control". If so, hypnoanalysis really does have no equal.

The process takes between 6 (rarely less) and 12 (rarely more) one hour sessions at a fee of £45 per session. 

I offer a free, no obligation introductory consultation at which we can discuss your case in complete confidence so please do get in touch by email here or by text or phone on 07714590798

I welcome all enquiries and look forward to hearing from you.

NB. If you have medical symptoms, you should always consult your doctor in the first instance. 

Hypnoanalysis is NOT suitable for application online or by home visit, nor in cases where there is a history of epilepsy, psychosis or cardiac conditions.


Research articles for hypnoanalysis:


*The Efficacy of Psychodynamic Psychotherapy.  https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/20141265/  Shedler, J. (2010).




Hypnoanalysis for Anxiety


Hypnoanalysis Successful for Skin Conditions Where Direct Suggestions Fail


Hypnoanalysis for the Treatment of Warts